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5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 14:20
by Dog Pants
It's a bit late and I'm changing the format again, but it's time for the 5punky awards. The awards for 5punkers are becoming a bit predictable and are turning somewhat onanistic, so I'm going to stick to the 'best X' this year. If people have a burning desire for the 5punker ones then I'm happy to put them back.

So, categories for this year are:

Single Player Game of the Year
Multiplayer Game of the Year
Most Anticipated Game for 2016
Game of the Year
TV Show of the Year
Movie of the Year

Nominations don't have to have been released this year, just enjoyed this year. Remember that 5punk GOTY awards 5punkiness over quality. Bung your nominations together in this thread. Feel free to discuss, I can split the thread if one award starts to dominate. Once nominations have been up for a week or so I'll run individual voting threads for each award.

Get nominating you bummers!

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 14:28
by fabyak
Single player: just cause 3. I know fallout will probably run away with this though. GTA V should also get a nomination though
Multispaz: Rocket League. Far and away the choice for me. Was playing it so much I ended up with proper sleep deprivation!
Game of the year: rocket league again. Getting many 5punkers together for this much fun is no easy thing.
TV show: daredevil for me. Not watched a busting lot of tv but this stood out for me
Film... I think Big Hero 6 for me. Utterly superb and contained a Half Life reference which considering the silence around me I was probably alone in spotting when we were in the cinema

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 14:53
by Dog Pants
Mine then:

Single Player Game of the Year
It's a close call between two puzzle games for me. Mushroom 11 was brilliantly original and well imagined, but ultimately I think The Talos Principle is going to be the one I play through to completion.

Multiplayer Game of the Year
Despite initial reservations, Heroes of the Storm has proven to be a far more accessible way for 5punkers to play MOBAs.

Most Anticipated Game for 2016
Absolutely has to be XCOM 2 for me. I loved the first game. The only thing that stops me playing it more often is that I have unplayed games I really should be playing.

Game of the Year
It's been a bit of a dry year for new 5punky games, but Rocket League stands out as a brilliant, sharp multiplayer experience with plenty of room for 5punky shenanigans.

TV Show of the Year
I barely watch TV. The shows I've picked up on Netflix never survive to the end of the first series with me. The only thing that's really left me wanting more so far is Ash Vs Evil Dead, but I've so far only managed to see episode 2 because Virgin is so shit. So my nomination goes to little-known but hilarious military comedy Bluestone 42. Series 3 wasn't as good as the previous two, but at least they've ended the show before it jumped the shark.

Movie of the Year
I've not seen many films this year, but I made a special effort to see Star Wars: The horse Awakens. It would have been a contender just for being Star Wars, at which it absolutely nails the feel of the original films. On top of that though it's a great film in its own right. Yes, I have criticisms about it being derivative, but that just makes it a 9/10 for me instead of a 10/10.

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 15:35
by Roman Totale
Single Player Game
Bloodborne - the gameplay, the story, the atmosphere, and the visuals...all sublime. I don't think anything else has come close to it this year.

Multiplayer Game
Probably go for Heroes of the Storm as well. Not been a lot of options this year.

Most Anticipated
Of course I'm going to say Dark Souls 3. It's a bloody brilliant series, and I'm sure this one will see even more improvements.

Game of the Year
Honestly, can't think of one. This year has really just felt like trudging through the same old games.

TV show
Jessica Jones, by a country mile. I've already extolled the virtues of it on the Entertainment board, but once again I can't stress just how good it is.

Movie of the Year
This answer is probably coloured by the fact I only saw it recently, but I'm also going to vote for Star Wars. Loved it, made even better by not knowing a lot of what was going to happen. I've actually just had a quick scan through the films released in 2015, and I have to say it isn't bursting with quality.

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 15:43
by Joose
As always, my memory for what actually came out when is appalling, so I turn to google to remind me. Christ, there was a lot of good stuff this year.

Single Player GoTY

Spoilt for choice here. GTAV, Witcher 3, MGSV, Pillars of Eternity, SC3: Legs of Avoid, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Her Story, Cities: Skylines, Fallout 4, Invisible Inc, Talos Principle, Tales of the Borderlands, Mushroom 11, Satellite Reign, Dying Light, Mad Max, Arkham Knight (it might have been broken to fuck, but when it worked it was great fun). I played all of these, and they were all excellent in various different ways. If I had to pick one...erk, Cities: Skylines I guess. Tough choice though.

Multiplayer GoTY

HoTS, probably. Im sure Rocket League is excellent, but for whatever reason I never seem to be up for a game when everyone else is, and playing it with randoms isn't the same.

Most Anticipated

Theres a few, but XCOM 2 is the biggest for me. Doggers has already said that though, so I am also looking forward to Deus Ex: Manky Dividers, Normans Sky, Overwatch (I cant think of a silly way of saying that), Total Warhammer and Ass Effect Andromeda.

Game of the Year

Well, it didnt come out this year, and I think it's only Fab who plays it other than me, but there are few games that include so much hilarious fail as Space Engineers. Just yesterday I made a little buggy and managed to launch it at supersonic speeds into a nearby mountain whilst adjusting the suspension. Also not out this year, but providing the majority of my 5punky lols; Diablo 3 seasonal shenanigans.

TV Show of the Year

I watch a lot of telly, but a large amount of that is crap that I stick on in the background when I am working and so tends to not be the most gripping of viewing for obvious reasons. At the risk of coming off all Marvel fanboy, I am going to suggest Daredevil and Jessica Jones, both of which were bloody brilliant and showed that it is actually possible to make a comic based tv show that isnt kinda cheesy. Agent Carter was also good, but mostly because I like a bit of retro style.

Movie of the Year

Again, slightly spoilt for choice, though not as much as with games. The Martian, Star Wars, Mad Max, Ex Machina, Paddington, Inside Out, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Birdman. If I had to choose one, probably Mad Max. It might have been virtually story free, but it was astonishing in the cinema.

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 18:01
by Dr. kitteny berk
Single Player Game of the Year
Alien: Isolation. Fuck this game, right in its face. There's been a few SP games this year that I've poked at, but nothing that I can't pick fault with. That's not to say I enjoyed this game, but it's absolutely perfect in execution. (technically 2014, but it upset me this year)

Multiplayer Game of the Year
B44F, Late entry into the 5punk library, but seems to have resulted in a somewhat united 5punking to death with very little effort and very long games

Game of the Year
Racket Luge, Low cost of entry, gentle learning curve, shitloads of luls.

TV Show of the Year
Ash Vs. Evil Dead. Bruce motherfucking campbell, any questions?

Movie of the Year
The Martian. The book was pant-pissingly good, the movie was also pretty fucking awesome.

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 20:12
by Mr. Johnson
Single Player Game of the Year

Pretty though, this one. I didn't play many new releases this year so I think I'll go for Diablo III (a game from 2012!) since it's the first time I actually played through the campaign and really enjoyed it. GTAV was great too now that rockstar has dropped all pretense and just made their characters unlikeable arseholes even without your homicidal input.

Multiplayer Game of the Year

Ricket legs! We had great bouts of failing at insurgency and chivalry, but we also had that last year. Ricket legs combines two things I don't care about, adds one thing I do like (cars, football and rockets respectively) and makes the best damn gaming cocktail 2015 had to offer.

Most Anticipated Game for 2016

I didn't really think about this one, but sexycom 2 does look good.

Game of the Year

I'm going for ricket legs again. Shine on, you beautiful little diamond.

TV Show of the Year

Didn't watch a great deal of series this year, and what I did watch was mostly unimpressive. True detective had a bland second series, better call Saul was good but not amazing, Daredevil was also pretty good but I can't get as excited about marvel dudes like others can, Master of None was entertaining but also annoying and a bit weird, I got a few laughs out of unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt but it's not amazing either and Game of Thrones continued to be Game of Bores.

What I did like however, was the second season of Fargo. It wasn't as good as the first season but I loved the late 70's setting and how Coen bros they managed to make it without actually being made by them. Normally I wait for a series to end so I can binge watch it, but I watched the first episode when it came out out of curiosity and couldn't wait for the next one. To me, that's special.

Movie of the Year

As you can read above I didn't really see many new things I liked in 2015*, but there is one thing I saw which was so damn good it will take a long damn time to re-experience the thrill of seeing something like it in the cinema.

That thing was, offcourse, Mad max: fury road.

Every other major release I'd seen this year was so covered in CGI it practically drowned in it. George Miller didn't do that, because George Miller is old and crazy. He's so crazy (or just Australian, really) he spend 14 years trying to make this film, researching and testing, and testing, and researching (and filming) and ended up shooting hours and hours of footage. Of those hours he took the shiniest, chrome-iest footage and forged them into the most gorgeous explosions and car chases ballet that I've ever seen. Yes, there is virtually no plot and the characters don't spell out their background for you but it is so God damn beautiful to watch I swear I almost shed a few tears in the cinema.

And those tears, my friend, where pure chrome.

*I haven't seen star wars yet, but is it as good as a guy in a onesie playing a guitar that is also a flamethrower on top of a car covered in loudspeakers and drummers that is driving at 80 km ph? What's that you're muttering?! Lightsabers? Are the lightsabers real? Because onesie guy was real. His flamethrowing guitar was real. His music was real. It was all real and NOW SHUT UP FOREVER.

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 22:40
by Gunslinger42
I nominate myself for best returning 5punker of the year 2015

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 22:49
by FatherJack
I like to try to nomiate things that haven't been mentioned already, but it's hard to see past Fallout and Rocket League.

Single Player Game of the Year
Life Is Strange provided a welcome change of pace and the time-travel problem-solving/causing elements kept me interested, if not guessing, to the end.

Multiplayer Game of the Year
Dirty Bum has made a pretty good account of itself, while not quite ready to call itself completed, but with the confidence to offer real-money shortcuts to content, it's the sort of pick-up-and-play shooter that we keep coming back to for a few rounds.

Most Anticipated Game for 2016
Overwatch and Battleborn both look like a lot of fun but competing in the same space, while Deus Ex and No Man's Sky will have to do much to rise above the hyperbole, Doom looks a promising return to the old school but has a lot to live up to, so I reckon Dishonored 2 only has to be as good as the initial title and it'll be great. It'd be nice if something decent would come out on the new consoles though, seriously, there is almost no reason to buy one currently.

Game of the Year
Chivalry has become more than just a novelty low-grav thing, with crypts, black knight, fall to your death and more, Insurgency has stayed popular and Dirty Bum gets a lot of play. Rocket League though has to be the 5punkiest, and while not everyone has it, I don't think anyone has played with 5punkers and not had riotous fun.

TV Show of the Year
Game Of Thrones went rather downhill this year as they ran out of book and resorted to characters doing bitchfaces at each other instead of acerbic repartee, but it was still watchable. 12 Monkeys got quickly ordinary, Juliette Lewis did enough to keep Secrets and Lies interesting, but the thing I looked forward to each week was Backstrom.

Movie of the Year
Haven't seen Star Wars yet, enjoyed Spectre - which as a collection of action sequences in various locations is kind of what I want from a Bond film, but my nom is for Ex Machina - striking visuals and a story that got under your skin.

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 23:14
by Dog Pants
Gunslinger42 wrote:I nominate myself for best returning 5punker of the year 2015
Holy shit Slinger, did you smell the BEEF? :wave:

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 23:34
by Gunslinger42
I've gone off the BEEF. Bad Company 2 was the last that I put any real time into, I bought 3 but only played like two hours of it, rather than the two hundred the other games got. Then it passed into COD territory where there was seemingly a new one every week but I had no interest. Origin and the awful web interface thingy 3 had didn't help much.

Blame Baliame for me being back, I was sorting through my steam friends list and removing inactive friends, saw Baliame still online and still wearing his [5punk] tag and thought I'd check the forum. I'm only five years late.

Re: 5punk award nominations 2015

Posted: December 31st, 2015, 3:00
by Chickenz
Gunslinger42 wrote:I nominate myself for best returning 5punker of the year 2015
I'm Slinger and so is my wife!!