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For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: May 18th, 2015, 14:04
by Anery
August bank holiday weekend, I will definately NOT be having a bash.
However, a small gathering of like minded individuals at my place stands a distinct possibility of happening.
I propose at least one Necromunda game, the rules can be downloaded of the intercocks. Last time I checkd, GW were giving them away free but they don't seem to have a specialist games section any more. OR we get a Kill Team game going, but I don't particularly want to fork out for the rules, so if anybody happens to find some lying around let us know what do.
The Empire WILL be striking back, rebel fucktards.
Also, Ankh Morpork, Relic, Smash Up, Cards against Humanity, Zombicide, Super Dungeon Explore, Elder Signs...and whatever you want to bring.
I'm looking about for something to do on the Sat daytime, was thinking Flamingo Land but thats a bit expensive for what it is. Anything anyone particularly wants to do let me know.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: May 18th, 2015, 15:23
by Dog Pants
I vote pub.

I've already approached the long-haired general for a leave pass, so count me in. I shall be bringing:

Rebel Scum
Homoerotic Necromunda gang
Star Wars Armada
King of Tokyo
Arkham Horror

I'd love to have also brought Red November because it sounds awesome, but it's out of stock. And I don't have enough room in the house for more board games.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: May 18th, 2015, 19:03
by Pnut
I will be bringing:
Exploding kittens
Whatever state my 40k army is in at the time.

Necromunda rules can be found here

I also found rules for smaller (1000 points or lower) 40k games Zone Mortalis and Combat patrols.

As for Saturday, I am more than happy playing games, as money might still be a bit tight.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: May 19th, 2015, 3:03
by Anery
That looks pretty good Pants, sadly we are also running out of space for all the board games though I can probably stick the D&D dungeon game in the attick because it is a giant pain in the arse - despite never actually losing a game it's just not fun, too much fucking stress.

Good find on the rules PNut, now go read them :) don't worry about not having the models, nobody cares so long as you have something vaguely appropriate. If you want I have some Chaos Cultists from Dark Vengeance that could be subbed as something else or even a homebrew chaos cultist gang.
Zone Mortalis is out I think, the scenery is a bit specific and we are probably going to be playing in and around the deadly crags of cereal-box-mountain, or we could just play an urban game and use the Necromunda scenery I have.
I do expect at least one game of 40k in some kind to break out. If you want to play combat missions I can put some Dark Angels together to add a bit more flavour.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: May 19th, 2015, 17:24
by Dog Pants
Oh, I have Necromunda (with scenery but minus my hard as nails Orlock gang which my mate lost), as well as a Van Saar and a Delaque gang.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 2:00
by Anery
Might have to draw up a list of things that DEFINATELY MUST get played, because it turns out the airport is putting a show on and I really would like to go see the Vulcan one last time, even if it's only a flypast on her farewell tour.

Also to laugh at pongos having to do an "exercise" in front of crowds of nonplussed onlookers - officers have some batshit ideas...

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: July 2nd, 2015, 7:54
by Dog Pants
I must have seen the Vulcan's last flight three times already, but I don't mind seeing it again.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 4th, 2015, 19:42
by Dog Pants
Leave is booked! Sorry guys, you're going to have to put up with me all weekend.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 4th, 2015, 20:06
by Pnut
Ah fuck my leave is in too. Don't think I can find anything else to do at this sort notice

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 18:18
by Dog Pants
I'm going to Costco on Thursday. Any requests?

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 18:28
by Dr. kitteny berk
A massive fucking bear and a crate of something between 4 and 10% alcoholic. :)

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 18:57
by Pnut

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 19:00
by Dog Pants
It's a wholesaler, not a faaabulous bar.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 19:03
by Pnut
Aw :(

I honestly can't think of anything mate.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 20:07
by Dr. kitteny berk

Amusingly, according to their webshite, beer is a no go. This'll do instead

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 20:32
by Dog Pants
They do plenty of beer. I usually pick up a box of 12 ales for not much over a tenner. I don't know what'll be on offer until I get there though. They do sell massive tubs of pretzels though.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 20th, 2015, 20:33
by Dr. kitteny berk

Bookers and Macro are the same, but a bit more reliable on the ales as they're more food/bar oriented. alas, having to be sensible = only 4 pints this week.

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 23rd, 2015, 15:59
by fabyak

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 28th, 2015, 9:11
by Pnut
Bash time GO!!! See you guys on the other side :ahoy:

Re: For the third time, I'm not having a bash...ffs...

Posted: August 29th, 2015, 14:54
by Dog Pants
Last night there was much drinking and gaming. We played Exploding Kittens, King of Tokyo, Cthulhu Fluxx, and Smash Up. Today there has been hangovers, Zombicide, Diskworld and now Relic. Maybe something more complicated when we start drinking again.

I ought to take some pictures actually.