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Posted: May 17th, 2007, 18:27
by Dr. kitteny berk
Roman Totale wrote:I would also recommend the 'Dirk Gently' books by Adams. Dirk is a "holistic detective" in that he believes that all things are inter-connected, and combines elements of quantum physics, chaos theory, Coleridge and pizza.
:above: That, they're very good.

Posted: May 17th, 2007, 19:00
by Anhamgrimmar
if anyone wants it, i'll try to uplaod my collection of e-books.

Lots of anne mcaffery, lovecraft, neal stephenson, pratchett, and other assorted stuffs

Posted: June 29th, 2007, 0:44
by HereComesPete
I haven't seen you around for a while anham, maybe your shooting foreigners or summat. That sounds good to me thanyouverymuch, I'd persuse your e if its available.

Posted: June 29th, 2007, 7:59
by fabyak
not sure if this has been posted yet, but I recommend reading The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fford.
It is set in a world where television is a vessel used only for news and books and reading is really where the action is. It is based around a Litratech Agent named Thursday Next and is astoundingly clever in it's construction and narration. Simply superb :likesitall:

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 16:12
by nunoncastors
If you're feeling all intellectual and poetic, I recommend Kahlil Gibran's 'The Prophet'.

Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner also kick ass.

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 16:26
by mrbobbins
nunoncastors wrote:Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner also kick ass.
:above: This

Bought them for my nephew, he didn't get a look in.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 13:33
by bomberesque
OK, most of my fave sci-fi authors have already been mentioned here;

PK Dick
Iain Banks (with or without the M)
Steven Baxter
Neal Stephenson (before he went all nutty on teh Baroque cycle, which I'm fairly sure anyway was only an excuse to write about a bird fisting a bloke to get him off because his cock had rotted off)
Herbert (Dune bloke)
Anthony Burgess. Anyone who could write C. Orange at all let alone in under a month gets my vote. He also wrote a superb critique on 1984 titled... 1985 in which he accuese Orwell of being a champagn socialist. Gripping stuff.
Alastair Reynolds

Also (some may have been mentioned above, I went through most but not all the posts)

William Gibson - If you haven't head of him stop now and hang your head in shame
Peter F Hamilton - zeroG sex cages cyber marines and and zombies, what could go wrong?
Richard Morgan - Takeshi Kovacs is a dark hero several political points being made in this stuff but never takes away from teh visceral killing
Alastair Reynolds

....I'll have to look at my bookshelf again to aid my memory

Also, and don't burn me for saying this, but there does actually exist some good Fantasy out there written by authors other than JRR T.

Gormenghast by the absolutely fucking insane Mervyn Peak is the direction that fantasy could have taken, if not for the hobbit/LOTR hijacking the train so effectively
Perdido Street station and The Scar By China Meiville
Fool on the Hill by Matt Ruff
The His Dark Materials series by Bill Philip Pullman. For kids but excellent in a way that Harry potter can only guess at.
Neal Gaimen - great although I'm getting tired of folk tales, honestly

Read Scar night recently by some dude who was in Rockstar North. Was Meiville like but not as good.

For contemporary fiction

Martin Amis
Iain Banks (sans M)
Thingy Pirsig; Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, is much less quirky and much more poignent than it sounds
Chuck Palahniuk his stuff includes Fight club. Very subversive stuff. This guy is a nutter.

blimey, that went on too long

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 14:07
by FatherJack
bomberesque wrote:The His Dark Materials series by Bill Pullman. For kids but excellent in a way that Harry potter can only guess at.
Philip Pullman. The first one is just about to be released as a film.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 14:09
by bomberesque
FatherJack wrote: Philip Pullman. The first one is just about to be released as a film.
his mates call him bill :P

and yes, I've heard of the film coming. Most interested in it, but I suspect that the book will be considered to have been better

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 14:26
by Lateralus
I loved the Dark Materials trilogy, they were really good reads. Simple enough for children, but have a deeper meaning too with regards to religion, and very well written. I really wanted to see the stage version by the National Theatre last year, but couldn't get tickets for when I was down there. I'm looking forward to the film too, especially after enjoying Stardust so much recently. Is it definitely only the first book in this film then? Been a while since I've read them.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 14:38
by FatherJack
It's called the Golden Compass, which what Northen Lights was called in the US.

Yes, I know it wasn't a compass, I'm merely thankful it didn't end up as the Golden Burger.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 14:52
by Lateralus
As, right you are then. I'm also very excited about the forthcoming Wes Anderson film. Life Aquatic is still one of my favouritest films ever in the whole wide world, and the Royal Tenenbaums is great too.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 15:02
by Mr. Johnson
i heard they dumded the golden compass down for the merkins and their jesus-love. never heard of the books before that really.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 15:21
by FatherJack
Mr. Johnson wrote:i heard they dumded the golden compass down for the merkins and their jesus-love. never heard of the books before that really.
I'd be very surprised if they made the third one at all, or without very heavy modification, or they'd be priests picketing outside cinemas and everything.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 15:24
by Lateralus
Pah. I might just read the books again then.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 15:44
by Mr. Johnson
FatherJack wrote: I'd be very surprised if they made the third one at all, or without very heavy modification, or they'd be priests picketing outside cinemas and everything.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 15:46
by Hehulk
Depends. If it's a british studio, they might throw caution to the wind and release it more or less as-is, but americans would fuck it over so heavily that it'd be almost unreconisable from the book.

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 16:13
by HereComesPete
Naughty people muckying the book thread with films!

The books are great, the film is shit. They can't really do the third one, what with god dying an all, kinda hard to remove that minor part from the plot for the film. :lol:

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 17:35
by Anhamgrimmar
Pesky doublepost

Posted: November 21st, 2007, 17:37
by Anhamgrimmar
Anhamgrimmar wrote:if anyone wants it, i'll try to uplaod my collection of e-books.

Lots of anne mcaffery, lovecraft, neal stephenson, pratchett, and other assorted stuffs
Oops, forgot i'd said i would do this! Its uplaoding to mediafire as i write this.

tis 80mb though, so its gonna take a while

Edit: Linkeh


Also contains ybkfull, which is a e-book reader, and a copy of winrar. which sort of defeats the object of an unarchival tool, if its inside the archive needing unpacking.........[/url]